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Blue Earth art

Blue Earth... Shiv ji
Oil colours on canvas  (48" x 48") 

Dr Jai Madaan 

To avert destruction, Shiv ji gulped the poison and stored it in the throat which caused it to be blue and that's why we address God as 'Neelkantha'. 
Thus, blue symbolizes protection, stability, wisdom and large-heartedness owing to the vast blue sky and the oceans. 

Associating with the colour 'blue' through the artwork 'Shiv', you put yourself on a frequency that finds you confident, strong and wise on all fronts - home, society and work. 

Blue causes the body to produce chemicals that calm you and boost your self-expression. 

Elevating your entire being, this artwork 'Shiv', of the colour blue shall align such energies towards you that will find you tranquil inside yet firm and reliable in your actions. 
Towards abundance and bliss, you will tread as you connect with the colour and allow its magnificence to prevail upon yourself. 

Here, Earth is painted 'blue' and Earth marks 'life'. So, all the more, art work 'Shiv' aims at nourishment, renewal and harmony. 

Putting the trio of Shiv, Shakti and Bhoomi in your home and office space will sail you towards the frequency of such emotions and behaviour which will not only bring bliss but also escalate you spiritually while you perform your duties diligently and gain knowledge about worldy realms and beyond. 

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